Welcome to glynn admin. The symfony4 edition.
Why this got started. I like symfony, and i like projects. But to get started is tough. When you get started you like to have a basic setup. But for a symfony projects there are choices. Get started with the sonata admin, or the more recent easy admin.
Both are awesome, but we wanted a more simple and basic setup. Use symfony like symfony works. With even less twists.
Let's check this thing out
Create a project.
composer create-project disjfa/glynn-admin-symfony4 my_project
cd my_project
Setup the database, basic example uses sqlite because it just works.
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Start a server.
bin/console server:start
And build the assets.
npm install
npm run dev
And you are done, you just got a basic site with an admin. Next you have to add your own stuff.