Front end

Webpack encore

The front end assets are built with webpack encore.

The assets are built using the config in webpack.config.js. Quick peek:

  // will create public/build/app.js and public/build/app.css
  .addEntry('admin', './assets/admin/js/admin.js')
  .addEntry('site', './assets/site/js/site.js')

Are built to:


The manifest.json file is used in config/packages/framework.yaml so we can enable versioning in the files, explained here.

In the js files for the admin and site there is a basic setup using bootstrap and vuejs. This can be used in bundles if you like.

Files can be created, and watched, by this command:

npm run dev

Or be built for production running:

npm run production


Also, a favicon. Not one, many. To get started as a "progressive web app". Add a manifest.json to your meta tags and generate all the meta tags needed for a nice user experience who add your website to their homescreen of their mobile phone.

There is a script to generate them all. Using gulp and favicons. The basic image is:


And with that we run this command to generate all files.

npm run favicons

This will build all the files in public/icons

Service worker

We also have a service worker. This will index and cache you client files like css and javascript. There is one extra file:


This is a simple setup which will also cache a /offline.html route. And display this when a device is not online and has already loaded the site once. This can be useful to not show a server is not responding message when a device is offline.

The basic route is loaded in the HomeController. When installing and using this bundle, please keep the route alive to let a user see an offline page, when offline. Here you can add more than just a message. It is cached on the client side.


The basic setup uses a couple of features.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""